Ischia celebrates the international day against violence against women

The N13 area of the Municipalities of Ischia and Procida, in collaboration with the Anti-Violence Center “Non da sola” and Kalimera social cooperative society, with the patronage of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers, Department for Equal Opportunities and the Region of Campania celebrates the day international violence against women. The event will be held on Saturday, November 25 at the Town Hall of the Municipality of Ischia in Via Iasolino in two moments.
At 10:30 am, at the Salone delle Antiche Terme Comunali, art will open the eyes to the theme of violence. The artist Bettina Buttgen will create an installation to say her “no” along the colonnade of the Antiche Terme Comunali. She will do this by drawing on the palimpsest of forms that support her artist’s poetics, like roots, suspended roots that translate the space into color and fall into rhythm. The severe classical symmetry of the facade of the Antiche Terme will be replicated in the composition of the installation: the horizontal cut on the central axis is a measure of detachment, of a wound that can open dizzying abysses or filter light, through the drifting filament movement shimmers sewn with refined artisanship accuracy. The material with which Bettina expresses herself is in fact the fabric, patiently worked and treated with a technical skill that is both aesthetic and at the same time ethical.
Following Irene Esindi and Daniele Boccanfuso will be protagonists of a theatrical Performance by the association Metamorphosis “Nausica and the black man” pick up from La Trama delle Donne.
Starting from 11:30 am, in the council chamber of the Municipality of Ischia, we will continue to discuss together with the Centro Antiviolenza non Da Sola; they will be the ones to report the testimonies of the territory, not immune to the phenomenon of gender violence. After the greetings of the Mayor will intervene Dr. Raffaele Montuori, Coordinator Office of Plan Area N13, Dr. Mario Sironi School Manager Institute IPS Teiese, Prof. Maria Messina, Mariafrancesca Ferrandino, President Fidapa Ischia and Andrea Centrella, Comando Carabinieri of Ischia and Procida.
Text by Isabella Puca - Photo by Lucia De Luise


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