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Bettina Buttgen

Bettina Buttgen

E' un’artista del tessuto e insieme una textile designer: crea tessuti d’arte indossabili. Li tesse, li tinge con colori da lei preparati, li pittura e ne progetta e predispone i possibili usi: possono avvolgere il corpo come sciarpe, stole, coprispalle o ad esso annodarsi, ma possono anche essere appesi e contemplati come quadri per la loro bellezza e intensità espressiva.

Eleonora Fiorani


While I am working, every now and again I let my gaze wander beyond the window of my workshop that opens onto the constantly changing scenarios depicted by the sky and clouds. Wool has, therefore, become the framework and chiffon the transparency on which to depict the lightness of the clouds. Who has never dreamt of touching these even with just a finger?

Stole with tunnel on both sides, Merino wool closing eyelet and laces for extremely versatile wearability. 100% hand-hemmed and dyed silk chiffon with hand-dyed and felted Merino wool and silk inserts.


Via Giovanni Mazzella, 210 - 80075 - Forio
338 573 1242
